The Courage to Change

Let me share a story with you

I’ve been working with a client who told me she wants to change the trajectory of her health. She’s recently realized that path she was headed down was not where she wanted to be. The steps she was taking and the choices she was making were taking her in the opposite direction of where she wanted her life to go. Oftentimes we realize aspects of our lives that we want to change. We talk about it, dream about it and maybe even make plans to change something… But sadly, sometimes we never even take the first step.

Taking the first step takes courage. It doesn’t need to be a big step, we just need to be moving forward. Changing the trajectory of your health, finances, relationships or career takes courage! It takes action and it takes faith. It takes a whole lot of faith to take the first step. Even further, it requires a change in your perspective and an attitude adjustment. We can’t step into something new when we remain in our old way of life. We have to renew our minds to step into somewhere we’ve never been before. Your trajectory will never change without you taking action!


I encourage you to ask yourself, “What area in my life do I want to see change?”

Think about it like building a muscle... If I want to get stronger and increase my muscle, I have to put a demand on my body. I have to show up, be intentional about making time to exercise, increase the weight I lift and be consistent. We don’t see our muscles grow overnight; it may take weeks or even months to see the results we want. But when we are patient and resilient, even on days when we don’t feel like it, the most progress is being made.

Sometimes we get so close to changing our trajectory but we give up too soon! Don’t give up now, you are so close! I encourage you today to give yourself that extra little push to get it done. Taking action feels good , procrastination doesn’t.

You can do this, I believe in you and I’m cheering you on!



Strong in Spirit


Progress vs. Perfection